15 August 2008

Stalwart Lover

Yesterday I finished this piece, which was a commissioned (or alchemy) order. The quote is from a Smiths song, entitled "I Want the One I Can't Have." The text is hand-written.

Stalwart Lover -framed
Stalwart Lover - 1

I like it so much that I think I'm going to do one for our place with a special quote, but I have to decide what quote we want to look at on a daily basis. If you would like me to complete something similar for you, just contact me. I look forward to new opportunities to grow as an artist.

Now I'm off to attempt to spray paint a bus before the rain comes.


  1. This is wonderful! I'll need one for my entryway!

  2. Glad you like it! I really enjoyed creating this piece. Let me know what you want and when. I'll do it.

  3. Feel free to e-mail me: scribbles [at] shawnahandke.com


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