22 September 2008

Tired Monday

We went to Cape Cod this weekend, and I've been tired every since we got back to Boston. It's not that we did too much while we were away. I think it's just because we've been "on the go" non-stop for the past few weeks. You see, we realized that we'd be moving soon, so we've been trying to fit everything into our limited time. We want to hang out with people, have friends over, and go places that we wanted to go long ago. Plus, we're still working and trying to keep up with the normal everyday things.

Our little vacation to Cape Cod was a lot of fun, and we were able to visit several places in a limited amount of time. I really enjoyed Provincetown, and I cannot believe we hadn't made it out there sooner.

About the move... it will happen in October, and we're moving to the Hudson Valley area in New York. The hubby got a job there, and we're excited to begin the next chapter in our lives. We're hoping we can find a place to live in Nyack. It's a quaint little place with a lot of cute shops, and it sits right along the Hudson River. (It's also well-known for its arts community.)
building on the water

Well, now I'm back to working on some more illustrations for those xMas cards. I'll have them printed soon, and if you want to order some this year, you may want to do that before my move. I'm offering two additional cards with every order prior to that.


  1. Congratulations!! What an exciting move!! We will miss you guys - maybe we can pull off a Glovebox show in your new town : )

  2. THANKS so much Liz! Now you guys know why I missed the deadline for this show. I'm going to try to make it to the opening on the 30th, and I'd love it if we could pull off a GLVBX show wherever we land!

  3. The Cape is a great place to shoot and Provincetown is fantastic. I'm glad you finally made it out there.


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