07 November 2008

Life as I Work

I've been trying to figure out the public transportation into the city from Nyack this morning. It doesn't seem to be as simple as it was when I lived in Boston. I could walk outside and hop on the train, but the good news is that it really only takes the same amount of time to reach Manhattan as it did to get into Boston where we lived there.

screen printing

Ttoday I'm reflecting on the direction my artwork is moving as I work on these screen prints. And I've decided that I really want to complete a body of work with this city theme and have a solo exhibition. I don't know how it will all unfold, but I know what I want to do, and that's a good place to start.
at work
I'm also listening to Heartbreakerby Ryan Adams and feeling rather inspired. I really should be looking for a part-time job, so I hope to feel motivated enough to get out and try to sell myself later today. (I just want to pay off these student loans, and then I won't have to worry about having a part-time job.)
screen printing setup

Also note that I've begun decking out my spaces on the web for the holidays. I always feel rather festive around this time of year, and I anticipate sending out some Christmas cards for the first time in a long time (or ever) this year.

Oh yeah... and some other news of interest is that I intend to submit some 4 x 6 artwork to the 4 x 6 for Riverspace. I'm going to get involved here!


  1. You can find a list of all of the Tappan Zee Express buses that leave from Nyack to Grand Central (or back) at http://tzxbus.com. It lists all service for the next two hours, Monday-Friday. Additional commuting info is available in the Links section of http://NyackNewsAndViews.com.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Thanks a million! This is very helpful, especially since I'll be going into the city on Monday morning. :D


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